Supervision for Supervisors: Knowing Me, Knowing You, Finding the Other


Supervision for Supervisors:

Knowing Me, Knowing You, Finding the Other

Relational Supervision in Theory and Praxis

In this workshop series we will explore the complex topics of Transference and Parallel process and see how these issues can make or break relational supervisory processes. In particular, we will examine how a relational approach rests very heavily on the personal awareness, stylistic preferences, and presence of the participants in the supervisory process. We will use the Relational Change core “SOS” framing as a foundation for the exploration.

In each workshop there will be a brief theoretical framing of the topic followed by a demonstration slot to highlight theory in practice. We will then work in break out groups to apply the learning, followed by sharing and closing plenary.

We recommend attending all three sessions to get the full benefits of the series and we are offering a reduced rate for the package of three.  However, you can register to only an individual session date too.

Please see EVENT DETAILS tab for dates.

Category: SKU: N/A


Presented by


Sally Denham-Vaughan is a Qualified Supervisor, Trainer and Psychotherapist. She has a background in Clinical Psychology and was the Consultant Clinical Lead for Primary Care Mental Health Services in the County of Worcestershire, UK, with clinical responsibility for psychological service provision to over half a million people. Across her career she has offered supervision and consultation to a wide range of mental health professionals and is passionate about the role of supervision in supporting practitioners to be able to offer high quality services. She now works internationally as a Gestalt Coach and Organisational Consultant and is currently Chair of the Gestalt Practitioner in Organisations, (GPO), section of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy, (EAGT) and a member of the Executive Committee.
Sally is a Registered Coaching Psychologist and on the Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors. She is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the British Gestalt Journal, Academic Advisor to the Doctoral programme at Metanoia Institute/Middlesex University in London and is the Co-Founder of Relational Change, an International Organisation specialising in developing Relational Approaches in theory and practice:

Who is the workshop for?

The sessions are suitable for new and experienced supervisors of both clinical and coaching work who are looking for a supportive stretch in their practice.

Please come with supervisory material to share and a willingness to practice within a supportive, confidential group setting. A compassionate heart is always a great accompaniment.

Participant Outcomes

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Be introduced to a Relational Framing for Gestalt Supervision.
  • Learn four relational lenses to use in approaching supervision.
  • Explore the notion of Transference (session 1 & 2), and Parallel Process (session 3), viewed through these lenses and see the dynamic complexity of the approach.
  • Observe tutor demonstrations of the approach in practice with opportunity to discuss choice points in the work.
  • Have an opportunity to receive, (or refuse), live coaching and feedback from tutor/peers.
  • Finesse and discuss your personal style, presence and preferences that shape the supervisory process.
  • Comment on and discuss the material presented and implications for praxis.

Additional information


Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Event Details

DATE 1: 8 October 2020

DATE 2: 15 October 2020

DATE 3: 21 October 2020

Start time: 07:00 p.m. AEST

End time: 09:00 p.m. AEST

Venue: Online

Directions: Join details will be sent to registered participants closer to the date.